People who belong in our lives

donotchasepeopleLike many people who are dealing with disabilities, we have had pretty big changes to our lifestyle and our ability to get out and do things like we use to. I’m so grateful for all of our family and friends who have stuck by us, and make the extra efforts to be part of our lives. I’ve also been pleasantly surprised by some of our new friends, who make the effort, even though we have not known each other for very long.

I sometimes think that disabilities are a filter, that let you easily know who your true friends and family are. It filters through those who make judgements without real knowledge or understanding, and those who just accept that you have reasons for what you do, without making you defend your actions all of the time. Most of all, it’s a filter for the people who want to be a part of our lives enough to understand, or at least try to understand, some of the things that affect us and why. To those kind and compassionate souls, we are very grateful!