You ain’t seen nothing yet!

We just couldn’t resit posting a video of Rob walking. He did this about 7 times on Friday, both forward and backwards.

Rob walking video

Although Rob is doing this from the power within himself, he is also being helped tremendously by his team. Not least of which is Werner de Haan his physio therapist. Werner is doing a great job with helping Rob to reach his potential physically. He is an experienced physio therapist, but fairly new with working with stroke survivors. Both Rob and I really appreciate Werner’s dedication and efforts to learn and understand more about what Rob is going through. I think the smiles in this photo say it all…

A very colourful Rob
I’m compiling a photo album of of pictures of Rob standing, walking and doing active things so he can see images of himself to help him to visualise where he wants to be. It’s really strange to go through all our photo’s in such a selective way. It makes for a nice snapshot of many events, family and friends. Here is one of Rob dancing in full colour taken in 2000.