Welcome Home Rob and Jane

We are celebrating the coming home of Rob after 2 months of physical rehabilitation. After a lot of physical therapy at home, Rob decided that it would help him most to do another round at a clinic. He has been going 4 days/nights a week since mid-January.

It’s been a lot of work, but he has made many improvements to get around better and gain more independence. He is still working on his balance and standing, and hopes to increase that as time goes on. Walking remains as yet unknown, and we are forever hopeful for Rob to regain as much as possible.

Here is what Rob says:

I used to believe in the good old days that I could walk. Now I found an island in knowing that I can’t walk. I’m trying to get peace and clarity on that.

I’m extremely proud of Rob, because I can’t tell you how hard it is to be in his situation, and giving it another go takes a lot of emotional, mental and physical fortitude. Well done Rob!

As far a the other welcome home, we have been talking about getting another Jack Russell and have been waiting for the right moment. We thought it would be nice for Rob to have something fun to look forward to after his rehab. So we now have a new puppy named Jane, who came home at the same time that Rob did.

We have been visiting her with her family the last few weeks, so she was already comfortable with us when we got her home. She is 8 weeks old and very small, but full of life and not at all scared. She immediately got acquainted to her new home and animal friends, and seems to be having fun. For such a small little package she has loads of energy and is a blast to watch – kind of like a wind-up-toy.