Rob 2.0

IMG_0062IMG_0076Rob is doing great. I haven’t posted, because we have been really busy on Rob’s rehabilitation plan. Rob is slowly but steadily regaining his strength. It’s amazing to see all his improvements by the day. I am shocked by his body’s ability to heal itself – mother-nature is truly amazing in life-giving and nurturing. Here are pictures of us making Speculaas cookies for the very good nurses at Heliomare.

P1010003-4We are still enjoying every small moment together — I hope that lasts forever. We have had a lot of talks about everything that has happened, and are processing it all. The one thing we are both absolutely sure of, is that this experience has made us both richer/stronger, both individually and together. Hence the title to this positing by Rob’s choosing – Rob 2.0.

For any that may not know what that means, it’s our parody of the internet hype “The term Web 2.0 is commonly associated with web applications which facilitate interactive information sharing, interoperability, user-centered design and collaboration on the World Wide Web”.

P1010002-3For us, the meaning is that Rob has in many ways come back stronger than he was before. Rob definitely has his challenges, but he has a new view on things, that is beautiful in it’s purity of seeing things as they are, but also going after everything he can get out of this life. I think this picture of Rob and Jansen says it all.

IMG_0066We are still struggling with Rob’s rehabilitation plans (or lack thereof). We have a big meeting on 3 December, and we are confident that Heliomare will be putting a good plan in place, and that finally Rob can get all the therapy that he needs. Needless to say, we also have put in place a full backup plan, just in case we have divergent ways of looking at his therapy. We are hopeful, but also realistic, and hope for the best on Thursday.

In the process of putting plans in place we have sorted out many of the bigger long-term plans we needed to address. Although it has been a bit more rushed, these are things we needed to sort out anyway. My head is spinning with all that we need to do, but I feel very confident that we will make everything work, and that the extra time needed in the past will be less, once we have his care in place. We are lining up the right kind of people, with the right kind of atitude and mentality. It will be a struggle on the short-term, but I think we are both ready, willing, and able!

P6140024To let all of you know our family in Holland is also in the middle of helath problems with Rob’s parents Ger and Tonny. I think Ger will be okay (he won’t tell us otherwise either way), but Tonny is having some very concerning problems with mini-strokes / TIA’s. We hope you keep all of us in your thoughts.

P1010007-4-GrandmaWe are looking forward to some nice visits with Rob’s sister Anne and husband Mick and then later in the month by my borther Mike and partner Linda. Next week is Grandma Bender’s 97th birthday. This was our card to our very special lady in Chicago.

IMG_0055Rob received a new camera last week, so that we can start to see the world through Rob’s eyes. These views through the lens may be small things, but to us, they are very important. That is Rob taking his first picture of me. IMG_0051Before I gave Rob the camera, I did a test and took a picture of Jansen that I think is kind of funny.

Thanks for sharing it all with us, and being such great support.