Reclaiming spring

It is really starting to be spring here, and we are happy to get out of the house and do things again. The reason for the title of this post is that we are trying to reclaim some of our previous life, and get back to doing some of the things we enjoy.

We have some new neighbour “Meerkoet” (Eurasian Coot) who decided to build a nest in the canal in front of our house. They built the nest on an underwater branch protruding from the water. The dogs are going crazy barking at them, but they seem totally unperturbed. A few years back we had a pair that nested on our boat, and made it very clear that we were not allowed on-board until they were ready to leave.

We managed a good spring cleanup of our shed, and Rob is looking forward to getting out there more and organising it better. This is a big step for him, because he has not wanted to do things in the shed for a long time. I hope this will be like his painting, and really give him some enjoyment.

We had a nice surprise to start the day. Our doorbell rang and it was some people who live in our village, who had met our friends who live in the Cape Verde Islands. I was still in my pajama’s, so we did not talk for long, but they were very nice and gave us a gift from our old friends Caro and Martin. It included a CD of Pupkulies & Rebecca, a Berlin band that recorded an album with the local musician Tibau Tavares that combines electronic and traditional Cape Verdean music. I’m listening to the music they sent now, and it’s great, and very relaxing — I really like fusion. I hope I can go hang out with them sometime soon.

Pupkulies & Rebecca with Tibau Tavares