No action police – Aanvullende aangifte – Original

politie_logoI went to the police again today to file an “aanvullende declaratie aangifte” (added declaration) as I was told to do on Tuesday by the police. Yet again I was given the run-around and told something different by the “verbalissant” than what we were told on Tuesday about what we must do by the agent handling the case. In short, I was told that once a case goes to the Openbaare Ministerie (OM) there is no way for it to be added to — in other words, it is a dead end and there is no further way to give evidence unless they accept our “klachtbrief/bezwaar” (complaint) that we filed with the Gerechtshof Amsterdam! My research shows that a very small amount of complaints are heard further (less than 10% according to some websites).

They wanted me to file a separate “aangifte” for “vernielen” (desctruction of property) about the “honden vergiftigen”, but the “verbalissant” made it clear that it would not be coupled with the “geweld en diefstal”. I let her know that it was unacceptable, and the “verbalissant” seemed to agree and made extra efforts to find out the best course of action, because she seemed also to be confused by it, as well as her colleagues. She contacted some of the other agents that we talked to and each gave different information. I could overhear her talking to to some of her colleague agents that we have spoken to in the past.

She made contact with the agent who deals with the OM, who is apparently higher up the food chain than any of the other agents, and it was agreed that she would provide him with all of the information and they would determine the best course of action. I also informed her that we were talking to the media and that if we did not receive an answer by 19:00 on Friday, that we would be providing them all information, and also to international media and social media. I had the “verbalissant” record the documents that I had provided and the agreement that was made about further contact.