Never ending lists….

2013 12 08_3162I know this is the same for all of us, but I sometimes feel like my lists are never ending…

Every week I keep running lists of the stuff I need to do over the weekend – my weekend lists. This is apart from the whiteboard list that I have of the bigger on-going projects and also apart from general household stuff like cooking, laundry, shopping, cleaning, admin etc., medical and caregiving stuff, and of course all of my work stuff. In other words, these are the typical important to do, but not totally urgent stuff lists.

Sometimes I manage to do what’s on the weekend lists. More often than not, something on the list generates other things that were not on the list, and things have to get done during the week nights. All I know for sure is that if I don’t tackle the better part of my lists on the weekend, my whole week is messed up, because invariably, something comes up during the week that is more urgent.

I often laugh when I get on the phone with someone, like the bank or a bureaucratic institution, and they ask me if I am busy, and I reply in the affirmative. They ask when they should call back when I am not busy, and I tell them that there is no time that I am not busy. They just don’t seem to get it, and I jokingly tell them that “now is as good of a time as any”, but please, just make it quick.

Just for fun, and because I am feeling quite pleased that I have finished almost everything on my list, I took a picture of my list for a typical Sunday. It does not list the extra projects, like cleaning up black mold off of everything in our utility area or all the glass I broke last night tripping over stuff from projects during the week, so I’m even more pleased that I finished most of it — and it is not even late on Sunday night!