Got the fence and garden in

It’s been busy around here. We’ve been trying to get a fence up in the back garden for about a month. It’s the other half of the fence we put up a few years back. We seem to do everything in stages. There have been a lot of delays, but finally, we have a new fence.

We love the new fence. Finally we have privacy again, and also Jane the puppy can’t get out. That should save me a lot of time chasing her around. Bert did a great job on the fence, and it really put us to extra work. Having an old house also means having old fence posts with cement in the ground. It would have taken ages to get rid of them all, but with a lot of trial and error, we were able to find places for the new posts.

I had to wait to put in our garden until the fence was done, and managed to do that mostly today. We now have our herb garden on one side and vegetable garden on the other, outside of the kitchen. I’m hoping that motivates me to go weeding more. The other garden was a bit too much out-of-sight-out-of-mind.

Our neighbour Caelen came over to help me move more dirt for the garden. After about 30 wheel barrows full this week I was exhausted, and it was great having him do the heavy work for the rest. He was also really fun to work with and I got caught up with some new music.

I was too late to get tomato plants, but decided to try them directly from seeds in the ground. It’s already a bit late, but who knows, maybe they will work. That’s the plastic boxes in the pictures. The new garden is much bigger than I thought it would be, so it’s been fun going through all of my old seeds, and we’ll just see what happens.

As you can see from the photo’s, once again we had help from Jansen and Jane. They are the quality control crew, along with general get-in-the-wayers, especially Jane, who insists on biting shovels, rakes, etc. She is small, but if you have her hanging from a shovel with dirt, it get’s quite heavy.

Last weekend I was mowing all the weeds by the canal in front of the house. The body of the lawn mower kept coming apart on the steep hill and it and me almost went into the canal quite a few times. Then I mowed out front where the municipality is suppose to mow, and the damn thing went up in smoke. I think I burned the engine out. Happily, I found a nice small little mower on sale yesterday. I can use that little bugger with one arm holding onto a tree so I don’t fall in the canal. I’m quite pleased.