A year later…

It’s hard to believe that it has been a year now. Today is the day that Rob had his first surgery and our world tipped over in strange and unusual ways. Overall, although difficult, we are both enjoying life more than ever before.

A message from Rob:

It’s not all been positive. Sometimes I feel that I am in between specialists, and I have to find my ways to cope around it. It’s not easy at all. Will I walk, or can I forget about walking altogether? I have learned my way to handle specialists — have faith in yourself, almost ignore them. Go on…

Whatever the truth is, I want to find that out myself. I will find out how to cope with it, or not. It is up to me. I am butt naked in this situation, the rest is cosmetical. I have to come up with new ingredients in life, the same counts with Ellyn. She has to try to find her ways too. I am not the only stroke survivor, Ellyn is also. Together we are determined to find our way.

We both need and want to create new future history. It’s up to us, but we really like and need all of your support. We’ll get there.  I have nothing more to say except:

No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn” — Jim Morrison

As you can read, Rob is doing well, and we are happy to be celebrating this time in a rather poetic way. Tomorrow we will be returning to the Oerol theatre festival that Rob was working at when this all started on the Dutch island of Terschelling.

We are both really looking forward to a week off. It’s incredible how busy it has been the last year, and we both really need it. Just some relaxing, without work, appointments, and the myriad of things that we need to do every day.

It has all been very overwhelming, but somehow, we are both getting through. I have to say, that is due very much to all of the great support that we have received from all of you this past year. We are both very thankful to our wonderful families and friends.

N.B. There are few posts I have put up recently that I did not send e-mail notifications for. It has been so busy here and I keep thinking that I will have some time to to do them properly, which never seems to happen. Click the link on “Blog” to see the full round-up.